Provide personalized learning recommendations with our new Education WhatsApp Chatbot

Connect, learn, and succeed with our education chatbot. Your personalized learning companion for academic achievement and success


Exam preparation

Career guidance

Library resources

Study tips and resources

Scholarship programs

Student satisfaction
0 %
Productivity boost
0 %
Solved queries
0 %

Your personalized learning assistant

Get instant help with your learning needs 24/7.

Financial aid and scholarships

Assist in understanding and reviewing financial aids and also in creating a personalized financial plan.

Career guidance

Assist in exploring career options based on academic major or interests and also in creating a career action plan.

Course information

Recommend students with courses based on their interests and goals and assists in registration and enrolment.

Enhanced Customer Integration

Transform your learning experience with our innovative chatbot

Transform your learning experience with our innovative chatbot

Customer Support Integration

Connects users with live customer support agents if the chatbot cannot answer a query.

Connects users with live customer support agents if the chatbot cannot answer a query.

The learning partner you can trust

24/7 virtual assistant for personalized learning guidance through WhatsApp messaging, anytime and anywhere.

Try out our chatbot and enjoy the experience.

To chat from your own mobile number

Book One-to-One meeting with our Product Expert

Ready for messaging excellence? Connect with our team to enhance your communication strategies and maximize impact. Start your journey today.